Sunday, February 10, 2013

Darwin's Standard

In Darwin’s book on page 158 he states: “"If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down." Here he sets up the standard to falsify his theory. This is just after he has imagined his way through how the formation of an eagle’s eye over millions and millions of years and countless selected modifications could maybe have happened. If I were to parallel this I would say I get to imagine my God and call it science unless you can show He does not exist. Be that as it may.
I would put forth Behe’s idea that the flagellum is irreducibly complex at least puts the ball back in Darwin’s court. Now I read Miller’s take on it and like Darwin he can imagine how at least a subset of parts could have come into functional existence and latter morphed into the flagellum. But I say again, I can imagine how God spoke the flagellum into existence.
No I think the probabilities introduced by Dembski demand a scientific reckoning superior to imagination alone. I think it is high time a feasible detailed scenario be proposed for the evolution of the flagellum or any complex organ for that matter.
Otherwise, I think we can dismiss the theory based on Darwin’s standard laid out above.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Best Default Position on God

Out of the gate, one must take one of three positions with respect to the existence of God.  1) Non-belief – God does not exist.  2) Ignorance – God may or may not exist.  3) Apathy – God’s existence or lack thereof is irrelevant.  4) Belief – God exists.  The most reasonable/logical default position is number 4.
God – the supernatural being or entity (all powerful; all knowing; eternal; everywhere always present) who created, sustains, and cares for the universe.
God Dichotomy – it is either the case that the one God exists or no such God exists.
We will examine each of the four possible defaults and their implications under each case in the God Dichotomy.  One may say: “Ignorance is the obvious default as a baby could never have been told of God and therefore must start at (2).”  We would answer: “Who told the baby to breath or be afraid of a load noise?”
Suppose that God does not exist.  In this case, (1) would be the correct position.  They would have spent their lives on earth free from all the oppressive demands of an imaginary deity.  If some pool of lesser gods exists, they may or may not have had a better chance of communing with them, but, I think not, as their default seems more inclined to ignore such a pool.  As for group (2), again, individuals may have found a ‘better’ path, but, the group as a whole is clueless to any supernatural goings on and therefore no better or worse off than (1).  Group (3) also turns out to have been just as well off as (1).  God was irrelevant and the group was free to do as they saw fit all along, as expected.  As for group (4), what a bunch of saps, right?  They wasted so much of their time praying to, talking to, and living for their imaginary friend.  They could have been having much more fun having it their way and, in this case, are to be most pitied.  However, you can’t really make a claim that they are any worse prepared for whatever may or may not follow death.  After all, in the end, their karma or mojo or whatever you call it will be based on what they decided was right here on earth just like the members of the other groups.  So it was based on what was written in some book; that can’t be said of the other groups?  No, in this case, whatever happens after death will be unaffected by which of the four defaults you took.
Suppose that God does exist.  In this case, (1) is problematic.  If God wants you to find Him, then you will not because you won’t even look.  If God wants to reveal Himself, the standard of proof will be set by you, the one who does not believe.  This is not the best set up for success.  If you are in this situation, then you better hope God forces His standard of proof on your hard heart.  Otherwise, if he has consequences for your disbelief, then you will be sorry.  Group (2) is slightly better off.  If God exists as defined, then it is most likely you will be informed of it at some point.  At this point, having no predisposition against, you will be more inclined to accept the truth of God.  Group (3) is likely the worst off in this case.  These hardy souls are entrenched in their own self-sufficiency.  The cost that God’s existence exacts on their paradigm is enormous; catastrophic to their ego.  It is surly easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than to move a soul from (3).  Group (4) is in the zone.  They are to God as kids are to their parents when the parent arrives home.  They are not a shoe-in however.  Believing God exists and knowing the one true living God are two different things.  The demons also believe and tremble.  But, of the four defaults, in this case, (4) is far superior because there must be advantage to knowing this God.  And, you can’t know Him without believing that He exists.  And if you believe by default he exists, then you have already cleared the three difficult hurdles of stubbornness, stupidity, and self-righteousness.  The only one left is submission to the one true living God – Jesus Christ – as your LORD and savior.
Therefore, number (4) is the most reasonable/logical default position.  If you are wrong the penalty is small.  If you are right the reward is close at hand.  None of the other three can make this claim.