Seriously, those are, claims Mary
Fairchild, the main reasons God saw fit to include the account of Creation in
His Word. It was certainly not,
according to Fairchild, to tell us how long it took or how it happened,
Mary Fairchild is the
Christianity Guide on She
seems legitimate and all the other posts on the site also seem on the
mark. So, I ask myself, why the fade to
gray when it comes to the Creation account in Genesis Chapter 1? If this were an isolated case, I would not be
too concerned. Unfortunately this
caviler attitude toward the Creation is the norm with those calling themselves
A lot, and I mean most,
Christians I have talked to don’t have the stomach to take on evolution. They don’t really understand the claim but
for some reason they buy the premise and so, they are forced to water down the
Creation account. I suspect that
Fairchild’s summary of the Creation story is at least an attempt to avoid
butting heads with evolution.
I am wondering, how do you process
Genesis 1: 1 – 2: 3? Do you dismiss the
secular evolutionary tail altogether and accept a young earth? Do you contort your beliefs in an attempt to
reconcile evolution with the Biblical account of Creation? Do you release Genesis 1 from any historical responsibility
as does Mary Fairchild? Or, do you have
some other take on the subject?
This is important because many of
the lost do take Genesis 1 very seriously from a historical perspective. What is more, they become very confused when
Christians don’t but do take other sections of the Bible very seriously
historically. They look at Genesis 1 at
face value and say to themselves: “Sounds
like a historical account to me. It does
not jive at all with what I have been told about evolution and the history of
the universe. So, it can’t be a
historical account. So, anything else in
the Bible that sounds like a historical account is not necessarily so. Jesus could just be a literary figure used to
show how much God cares for us and not an actual person, who lived and
breathed, suffered and died for sin. He
just represents the lengths God is willing to go for us.” This is a logical progression and reasonable
given the number of Christians who will not defend Genesis 1 as historical.
I believe that God
created the heavens and the earth and all that in them is. I believe He did it in seven literal
days. I believe He did it less than
10,000 years ago. I believe He
accomplished it by super natural power.
I know that nobody has shown me any discovery of man that contradicts these
beliefs and stand, as Elijah did before the prophets of Baal, to mock their
efforts to do so. The efforts of science
thus far have only worked to bolster my beliefs in the historical accuracy of
Genesis 1. I look forward to the next
scientific discovery with respect to origins and how it will further confirm
the account.