At the outset, we
should make an objective attempt to characterize what the workplace will look
like in 2025. Given the current
trajectory and no major calamity between now and then, it will contain six main
elements: {mobility, technology,
collaboration, speed, information, skill}.
So, Jimmy chained to his desk, without his computer/cell
phone/calculator, in silence, and with only his memory as a resource will leave
him out of the professional workplace in 2025.
The idea of a good education must be turned completely on its head.
Jimmy must be able
to access, process, analyze, communicate, and store (APACS) an enormous amount
of information to be a professional.
Therefore, he will not even be able to begin to function without a
computer and a fast internet connection.
What is more, mastering this one device will be the key to unlock his
entire professional existence. He will
only be able to APACS at a snail's pace without it. He will need to have access/skill with the
computer at every moment in his professional life. It will be his phone, his clock, his library,
his secretary, his calculator, his post office, etc…
It will not,
however, be his brain. Operating a
computer effectively, even today, is a monumental undertaking. Whatever the professional task may be, not
only is it true: "There is an app for that.",
there are YouTube videos on how to install, set up, and make basic use of that
app. Also, there exist online
documentations and at least a half dozen forums, per app, where more advanced
information can be digested concerning the app in a collaborative way. Some of these resources are better than
others and updates to all, apps, videos, docs, and forums are constantly being
posted. What can be known is increasing
exponentially. How it can be accessed is
also growing at a staggering rate.
Therefore, young
people need to be taught, wait, strike that, must be schooled to mastery in all
aspects of APACS via the computer. APACS
= {world wide web, cloud, databases, application software, networking, etc…}. Students, by the time they reach the seventh
grade should already know (at least): A)
How to access information on the world wide web via search engines and be able
to set up an automated feed system which can be set to search any desired set
of target topics; P) How to process information using software such as MS
Excell or MS Access; A) How to analyze processed information using
rudimentary macros, functions, or routines they have developed on any one of a
number of analysis platforms such as Maple;
C) Publish results via internet
using blogs/forums/wikkis/web pages;
S) Store information via
databases or word processing platforms such as MS One Note. Yes, by the time they reach seventh grade.
Forget reading,
writing, and arithmetic. They have been,
yes past tense, by surfing, posting, and apping. What about the art of taking a piece of paper
and exquisitely recording your thoughts with a beautifully developed
cursive pen. Gone I say.
You can read about it in the history book along side of how they used to
chisel out script in the face of a flat stone.
The modern work station is
composed of a pc or laptop with one or two external monitors so that the user
can have 5, 10, 15, or more different screens open at the
same time. It is equipped with email
access as well as some flavor of instant communicator. Ten to twenty percent of the workday is spent
on google or some other search engine researching the job. In other words, professional development is
an everyday event. If you don't know how
to use a search engine ,
then you will not be long on the job.
This all means that
for virtually all course activities students be required to engage in
computing. Are the taking notes? Use One Note.
Are they making a presentation?
Use PowerPoint. Are they doing
research? Use google. Are they producing a report? Use a wikki.
In fact, a personal wikki is a great place to organize their whole
effort. Are they processing and
analyzing data? Use Excel. When I think of all the things you can do
with Excel, so much I get exhausted. It
would take two years of intense study just to become proficient in all the
functions that Excel offers.
The professional
workplace will require of its force; a comfort producing from portable work
stations, seamless proficiency in multiple technologies, group efforts across
halls and across oceans, incredible
speed, continuous multitasking open access points to a variety of data sources,
persistent proficiency in specific duties.
Let's give Jimmy a fighting chance.